Sunday, February 27, 2011

Making paper

One of my recent projects was have a go at making a large sheet of paper.   I borrowed a large frame measuring over 1 metre x 1 metre from a friend, and used the pour method to create a sheet of banana and onion skin paper.

The paper was quite uneven (obviously I need more practice at pouring) and it took a few days to dry on the frame, longer than I expected.

Right now I'm not sure what I will do with the paper, it will have to be something special given its size.  I'm thinking of a sculptural piece, maybe incorporated into one of my large weavings.  Stay tuned!

I used a large sheet of plastic over bricks
and planks of wood to hold the water bath in which the
frame floated

The paper drying after draining off the water

Monday, February 21, 2011

Monoprinting Marathon

I'm on my 3rd consecutive day of printing, and loving it.  Its hot outside (over 33 degrees celsius), so there's no better place to be than in my air conditioned studio.

I've been busy making monprints to incorporate in my hand-made books, as well as starting on new works featuring the Sacred Ibis, another notorious urban dweller, as part of my 'Conservation of the Species' series.

I've also been re-working prints from my first Bower series.  There were 3 prints that I regarded as not particularly successful, mostly due to being too 'busy' without a focal point.  I have managed to bring at least 2 of those prints back, the results of one of those prints is shown in the photos below.  Its quite challenging to try and work out how to strengthen a print that is at the point of being overworked.  A delicate process fraught with danger!

Bower4 - BEFORE

Bower4 - After the rework. 
Still busy but more interesting.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Printscape 2011

My latest project has been the Southern Printmakers Association's annual exchange of postcard prints.  This project requires participants to create 11 postcard sized prints and post them individually to a NSW address.  They will then distribute 10 new and different prints back to each participant.  One print is kept by the Association.

I've been doing artist book swaps for a while and a printmaking exchange sounded like a lot of fun.  The theme was 'Printscape'.  My prints are (of course) monoprints.  I used stencils and objects to create a moonlit landscape.  My text on the reverse side features quotes, also on the same theme.

I'll be posting them this weekend, fingers crossed they all arrive safely!

If you're interested in joining in the exchange, the deadline is 1 April.  Email for more information.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Caloundra Workshops

I've just facilitated 2 days of monoprinting workshops at Caloundra Regional Gallery.  I had the delightful task of introducing 19 enthusiastic ladies to the magic of monotypes.  The days were filled with exclamations of 'ooohh' and 'aaahh' as the prints were revealed off my travelling press, 'Thumper'. 

Thanks again to my Mum Jan who toiled for hours in charge of 'Thumper' to ensure good press 'posture' and behaviour.  She's such an old hand at it nowadays she gives plenty of printing advice as well!

And also a big thank you to Cathy Money, in charge of Public Programs at the Gallery, who organised the workshops (and took the photos).  And to those on the waiting list who missed out - don't worry I'll be back!

My next workshop is in Sydney in May at Primrose Paper Arts - an intensive 2 day workshop aimed at creativity and developing imagery using monotypes.
Jan and some of the participants at work

Discussing the magic of monotypes

Friday, February 11, 2011

EcoDyed Paper

As promised in an earlier post, here is some of the eco-dyeing that I've been doing.
I've used the Micador Raines watercolour paper, giving a beautiful chocolate colour where the paper has been exposed to the dyebath.
I've then sewn the pages together using coptic stitch, to make an informal sampler book.
The completed Sampler Book

A close-up of the gorgeous marks left by onion skins, metal etc